Based on creator Shea Serrano‘s life, Primo follows the story of young Rafa (Ignacio Diaz-Silverio) as he navigates life with his single mother Drea (Christina Vidal) and his five uncles. Retired talk show host Jay Leno was filmed serving hot food to firefighters responding…
Victoria's Secret model Olivia Ponton has been soaking up the sun during a trip to Turks and…
First Lady Jill Biden revealed she is disappointed in former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her role in pressuring Joe…
Gov. Jeff Landry (R-Louisiana) declared that Louisiana authorities will relocate homeless people living in encampments surrounding the…
As the fires in Los Angeles continue to rage, reality star Paris Hilton helped her… A 34-year-old social media influencer has been arrested by Australian police accused of torturing…