Virgin River is back for a fourth season and the drama is as good as ever. This season opens to find Mel pregnant, but she doesn’t know if the father is her deceased ex-husband or current boyfriend Jack.

Alexandra Breckenridge, who plays Mel, and Martin Henderson, who plays Jack, recently sat down with uInterview founder Erik Meers to discuss their chemistry Virgin River.

“It just happened. We met. We got along,” Breckenridge revealed. “We’re really lucky in that regard. I do remember in the first season, we were filming the first two episodes because we film two episodes at a time. Since the romantic aspect of the show is so important, it was a lot of us staring at each other.”

“Which would be really creepy in real life … like it would be inappropriate,” Henderson remarked laughingly.

“After every take, we were like, ‘Oh, geez. That was a lot!” Breckridge added. “Nobody stares at each other that much, so we were just like, ‘Oh man!’ It was so funny. I was like, ‘Are you going to use this? Because this seems like extra.'”

Henderson also spoke about why he thinks the show resonates with their audience.

“I think there’s so many shows now that are about sci-fi or thriller or crime. There’s a lot of darker, edgier and very sophisticated television which is amazing, but here’s a show that in a way is quite simple, is quite old-fashioned,” the actor said. “At its heart, it’s about this romance, but zooming out, it’s about this whole community and I think it speaks to something that we’re lacking. I think people are feeling more distant and separated from each other. The pandemic made that a huge problem and here’s this really lovely show that’s the opposite of that. People yearn for that, and it’s maybe nostalgic to as the way the world used to be.”

Stream Season Four of Virgin River on Netflix now.

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