‘Wayward Pines’ Season 2 Finale Recap: Who Will Have To Stay?

After Jason was shot by Kerry at the end of the last episode of Wayward Pines, he is rushed to the hospital where Yedlin is in charge of his care in the season finale.
Outside of the wall, the female leader Abbie is dispatching the rest of them to takeover Wayward Pines.
Inside the walls, extraction teams are collecting citizens to be evacuated until they are safe from the Abbie’s.
At the hospital, Yedlin is not able to save Jason. He breaks the news to many members of Wayward Pines outside of the hospital and shares the news. He also tries to ease their minds that they will all still survive without Jason and that they must.
Yedlin’s subordinate Oscar questions his procedure and suspects that Yedlin didn’t want Jason to survive. He denies the accusation. Oscar then brings up the fact that Kerry and Jason were two of only four people to have AB- blood type.
CJ shares with Yedlin the list Jason made of who will be saved and who will have to stay in Wayward Pines due to the lack of pods. Yedlin is naturally uneasy about finishing the list.
Yedlin confronts Kerry about what Jason had already discovered before his death, that he was her son. Kerry had no idea and gets physically sick at the realization.
The residents that will be saved are now in the mountains being processed before entering the pods. The residents that won’t be saved are being told they have to wait in their homes for the next group. This includes members of the same families and those in the orphanage. Frank and Lucy have been separated, Frank will not be saved.
The same goes for Rebecca and Xander, Rebecca will be saved but Xander won’t. Unlike the other residents, Rebecca and Xander know that something’s going on and Rebecca is refusing to leave without him. Xander puts on a brave face and promises her and their unborn child that everything will be ok.
CJ tries to put Yedlin’s mind at ease about knowingly allowing people to be killed but Yedlin isn’t buying it.
The residents who have been left behind are coming to terms with reality and some are looting in preparation for the future while others are just destroying the town out of anger.
Yedlin records a statement denouncing Pilcher and shares his plan to inject himself with three of the most deadly viruses that Pilcher kept samples of. After doing so he says he wil step outside and be consumed by the Abbie’s in hopes they will die off.
The residents that were left behind have traveled up to the mountains and are trying to break into the lab with everyone else, but are sent away by CJ and the other militants.
Frank and Xander commiserate their bad luck together just as Yedlin arrives to pick them up. He and CJ agreed to kill some of the guards to make room for them and Arlene. Rebecca tearfully thanks Yedlin.
Kerry found Yedlin’s tape and proceeded to inject herself with the diseases in order to be consumed as she is so disgusted with herself and her relationship with Jason before Yedlin found her. He gives her morphine to take with her to try and ease her pain. She tells him that the world doesn’t need people like her but it needs him.
Yedlin makes another inspiring speech to those entering the pods, wishing them luck and saying he’ll see them soon.
The town goes dark as everyone enters their pods and a man who was left behind is seen hanging himself.
CJ closes the pod doors and prepares to enter his as he hallucinates his wife again. She tells him he has the power to make the world whatever he wants and he gives a knowing smile.
Kerry is outside of the walls and immediately destroyed.
Sometime in the future, an Abbie is seen holding a newborn.
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