On Thursday evening, Emma Stone hit the red carpet at the London premiere of her new film, The Favourite. Stone amazed the crowd with her backless floor length metallic dress by Louis Vuitton and deep burgundy lipstick. The actress also accessorized the look with a star hairpiece by Erica Elizabeth Designs.
Stone’s makeup was done by Rachel Goodwin which featured a futuristic silver eye look. “Scorpio season always calls for a little bit of drama,” Goodwin captioned her Instagram photo of the Stone’s makeup look. She then went on to list the products that she used to create the look, which includes the Nars Hot Tryst Cheek Palette and Surratt Beauty Lip Lustre in Trés Chic 13.
Stone’s soft shiny waves were done by hairstylist Mara Roszak, and the hair look was finished off with the Star Kissed headband by Erica Elizabeth Designs.
Just a days ago Rosnak posted a photo of Stone’s new haircut on Instagram with the caption, “blunt & a little shorter in the back.”
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