The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, attended an opening at the famous Royal Marsden Hospital in South London on Thursday. The duo visited the Oak Centre for Children and Young People division, before officially opening the hospital's new $28 million children's cancer unit.

The couple met and talked with two young leukemia patients as they toured the facilities. The hospital, which founded a trust to which Prince William serves as President, was also a favorite cause of his mother, the late Princess Diana. It was the site of her first solo charity event, reports the UK's Daily Mail.

Though Middleton was elegantly arrayed and William looked as dapper as ever, you never would have guessed that the Duke was running on fumes. The previous night the Flight Lieutenant for the Royal Air Force had foregone sleep in order to fly an overnight mercy mission.


  • antonioberryman
    antonioberryman on

    These two have been all over the place since they got married. Hope they get some rest.

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