Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested last month on charges of sex trafficking, was discovered dead in his jail on Saturday in an apparent suicide. Jennifer Aroaz, 32, is among those who’ve accused Epstein of raping her when she was a minor, and she’s filed a lawsuit against those who assisted in and enabled the billionaire’s disgusting ventures.

Aroaz’s suit is being filed under New York state’s Child Victims Act, which went into effect on Wednesday. Regardless of when the incidents transpired, this bill grants victims of child sex crimes the ability to file civil cases against their aggressors for the next 12 months. “Today is my first step towards reclaiming my power,” Araoz said in a phone call with reporters.

Ghislaine Maxwell, 57, is among those named in Aroaz’s lawsuit. Speaking with CNBC on Wednesday, Dan Kaiser, Aroaz’s lawyer, named Maxwell as a “significant focus of discovery at this point.” Kaiser notes how her deposition would be “very important” in terms of locating Epstein’s recruiter and the other people responsible for assisting with his crimes.


According to Aroaz’s lawsuit, Maxwell “provided organizational support to Epstein’s sex trafficking ring.” Specially, she served as the organizer for Epstein’s ring, hired his recruiters and intimidated potential witnesses. Virginia Giuffre, another woman who was victimized by Epstein, corroborates that Maxwell was responsible for locating and grooming young women for him. In 2015, Gluffre sued Maxwell for defamation of character after she had called her a lair. Maxwell has never been charged with a crime regarding her actives with Epstein, however.

Maxwell’s the ninth and youngest daughter borne to the late Robert Maxwell, an influential British media mongol. (Her father died in 1991, after which it was discovered that he committed fraud by raiding his employees’ pensions to prevent his companies from going under.) Since moving to the United States, Maxwell has become a prominent socialite, seen in photographs partying with several influential figures, including Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

Epstein reportedly met Maxwell in the early nineties, and she introduced him to some of her powerful cohorts, such as Prince Andrew. While the two became well-acquainted, the exact nature of their relationship is not clearly defined. The two acted as close friends, although several of his accusers allege Maxwell to be his “madam” and “procurer.”

Maxwell has denied any wrongdoing, and currently appears to be trying to remain out of the public limelight.

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