Ever since it was released in 2017, the superhero film Justice League directed by Zack Snyder has been a controversial issue regarding DC Entertainment. This is mainly due to the fact that the version of Justice League that was released in theaters mostly consisted of reshot footage by Joss Whedon. After the film received mixed to negative reception from both critics and audiences, fans have been demanding DC and Warner Bros. Entertainment to release Snyder’s original cut of the movie to the public, labeling it as “The Snyder Cut.” This has even been supported by people who worked on the film including Ray Fisher, Ciarán Hinds, Jason Momoa and even Snyder himself. After months of waiting, DC finally announced that the Snyder Cut would be released. On Aug. 22, Snyder revealed the first full trailer for his original cut of the 2017 superhero film Justice League during the massive online event DC FanDome.

The trailer opens with the main antagonist of the film Darkseid played by Ray Porter in combat while the song “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen plays in the background. The trailer then shows shots of Henry Cavill’s Superman and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman along with several Parademons flying through an apocalyptic wasteland with rubble of the Justice League’s headquarters being visibly seen. The audience is then shown a scene of Ezra Miller’s Flash saving Iris West played by Kiersey Clemons, who was originally cut from the theatrical release. Another new character shown in the trailer that did not originally appear in the theatrical release is the villain DeSaad, played by Peter Guinness. The trailer then shows Joe Morton’s Silas Stone die when a Mother Box is activated, while Fisher’s Cyborg watches in horror and devastation at his father’s death. The trailer also shows Hinds’ Steppenwolf with an updated design, and a resurrected Superman in a black version of his costume. The trailer finally ends with the team together and Miller questioning how they can defeat Darkseid, to which Ben Affleck’s Batman replies that it doesn’t matter how much he has fought and conquered, as he has never been up against them united.

The Snyder Cut, now titled Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be released as a four part miniseries due to it being four hours long, on the streaming service HBO Max in 2021.


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Adam Grunther

Article by Adam Grunther

Adam is a graduate of Lynn University with a BA in Drama. He has a passion for film and television.

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