Ready to have Total Recall? Then get on board with the remake of the 1990 Paul Verhoeven flick, entitled — you guessed it! — Total Recall, which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside and gained a quick and somewhat unexpected cult following, sufficient to inspire a new version over two decades later, also entitled Total Recall, directed by Len Wiseman (Underworld franchise) and starring Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston, Kate Beckinsale, Bill Nighy, Jessica Biel, Ethan Hawke and John Cho.

This time around, the action is bigger, but the dystopian-future-based story is pretty much the same, with hero Doug Quaid (Farrell) slowly coming to realize that he is a spy, and that his life, including his marriage to ladylove Lori (Beckinsale) isn't quite what he thinks.

There's trouble for everyone who gets too close once Farrell realizes that his memories have been erased and replaced with false ones after the "total recall" program botched his brain.

As well as stars Nighy, Biel, Beckinsale, Cranston, Hawke and Farrell, you can also expect to see a new iteration of the woman with three breast, who — let's face it — helped put the 1990s Total Recall with Schwarzenegger on the map in the first place.

Total Recall will hit theaters on August 3.

Watch the new trailer for the 2012 Total Recall here:

For more on Colin Farrell and Total Recall:

SPOILERS: 'Total Recall' Remake To Feature Three-Breasted Woman

Colin Farrell Drinks Up For 'Psychopaths'

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