A cappella is a tricky business – the line between conquest and conk-out is a fine one. But when it succeeds, it’s oh so good – especially when the performance is solo as opposed to an entire group.

Case in point is a cappella artist Mike Tompkins’ rendition of Miley Cyrus‘ "Party in the USA." Not only does he succeed with his singing voice, but this one-man band uses only a tambourine and sounds he can make with his mouth to create the instrumentals. Tompkins’ rendition is both catchy and impressive, though the highlight of the song is his video, which features four clones of himself as well as a subtle homage to the "Leave Britney Alone" kid from two years ago. He proves to have more musical talent than Ms. Cyrus herself, who has publicly claimed to prefer acting over singing, hands down – even though fans would rather have their hands up, if they’re playing her song. –ELENA COX

For more on the story, go to: www.urlesque.com/2010/06/18/party-in-the-usa-a-cappella-cover/

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