In his new exclusive uInterview, actor Hans Tester discussed what his favorite part of working on Jake Johnson‘s new film Self Reliance.

Tester recalled how memorable the set was when he first viewed it. 

“The first time I saw the first set it was this incredible room because we’re Icelandic, the game show hosts were Icelandic, and this set was this incredible interior that was painted, this huge warehouse-like room,” he recalled.

He described the intricate details the set included and how it was “painted with like old Icelandic saga imagers like polar bears and indigenous people and it was all ancient and it was like, whoa.”

The attention to detail was important to the movie as a whole, as Tester explained, “It just set the tone so incredibly for some kind of movie, you didn’t know what it was going to be, but it set the tone for like this is dark, this is wild, this is fun.”

When asked if he would compete in a “death game” similar to the one in the film, Tester responded, “Well that’s the big question, would I do it? I mean for a million bucks? No, I would not do it.” 

He laughed as he explained how the death game works in the film.

“But also the other thing is that you gotta like, you know the game show takes your foibles, your own personal problems, and throws those in your face. So it depends how many personal problems you have,” he said.

Tester stars as Anders in the film, which follows Tommy, played by Johnson, who has the chance to win a million dollars if he wins a game. In the game, Tommy has to outsmart hunters who are trying to kill him. He discovers a loophole that may potentially give him a chance to survive and claim his prize. 

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