The Prime Video series Carnival Row follows the stories of mythological refugee beings as they deal with oppression and discrimination from humans. One human man, played by Orlando Bloom, takes on the unsolved murder cases of these beings with the help of his lover fae, played by Cara Delevinge.
The View co-host Sunny Hostin’s husband, Emmanuel Hostin, has been accused of federal insurance fraud. The…
Although Lopez was photographed at Affleck’s house on Sunday, prompting rumors of the two reconciling,… Millions of people bathed in the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvati rivers…
Leslie Charleson, the soap opera veteran who was best known for her portrayal of Dr.…
California police arrested Ruben Montes after the Los Angeles County Fire Department caught him allegedly starting a fire…
Chrisley Knows Best star Chase Chrisley, 28, was arrested Thursday in Atlanta, accused of slapping…