The U.S. Army could be getting Hoverbikes in the near future.

U.S. Department Of Defense Makes Deal For Hoverbikes

The U.S. Department of Defense announced this week that it had entered into a deal with Malloy Aeronautics, a UK company that has been working on the creation of a Hoverbike for years. The deal is to help the development of the Hoverbike, as the finished product is far from complete, but should result in Hoverbikes for the U.S. Army.

According to Malloy Aeronautics, the Hoverbike was made with the idea that it could replace helicopters for emergency services, such as search and rescue missions. If successful, the Hoverbike would be safer than helicopters and less expensive. As the website states, “Our goal is to produce an extremely reliable helicopter, designed with rugged simplicity at its heart and true pilot safety built into the design and operation of the aircraft.”

Posted by Hoverbike on Monday, December 27, 2010

The Hoverbike would ideally reach an altitude of 10,000 ft, but no higher, as it is meant for low level travel, but many of its abilities are unknown, as the tests are still limited to the ground. The Hoverbike is just a prototype for now, and is still in early testing and development phases – all tests have been conducted with the Hoverbike strapped to the ground in case of emergencies, so even Malloy doesn’t exactly know what would happen if they let it into the air.

Going forward, the Department of Defense will reportedly build off of a functioning full-scale model, which has yet to be completed by Malloy.

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Article by Olivia Truffaut-Wong

Olivia Truffaut-Wong was born and raised in Berkeley, California, where she developed her love of all things entertainment. After moving to New York City to earn her degree in Film Studies, she stayed on the East Coast to follow her passion and become an entertainment writer. She lives on a diet of television, movies and food.

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