A third term in the White House may be on former President Donald Trump‘s radar if he is reelected this year. At the National Rifle Association annual meeting in Dallas this weekend, Trump threw out the idea in his speech.

“You know, FDR 16 years—almost 16 years—he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” Trump said on Saturday. A person in the crowd responded to Trump, saying, “Three.”

During his 2020 presidential campaign bid, Trump also mentioned serving in office for three terms multiple times. However, Trump seemed to retract this idea in an interview in April, saying, “I wouldn’t be in favor of it at all. I intend to serve four years and do a great job.”

If Trump is reelected this year, it is unclear how serious he is about prolonging his stay in office. The 22nd Amendment, enacted after former President Franklin D. Roosevelt served four terms, bars a president from serving more than two. How Trump could stay in office without violating this Amendment remains an unanswered question.

In Trump’s speech to the NRA, he also discussed his stance on abortion and immigration. Trump accused presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of being part of the “radical left.” Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent, though he was previously a Democrat. Trump criticized his main opponent during the election season, President Joe Biden.

Trump also encouraged NRA members to vote after hearing a claim that gun owners “don’t vote.”

“Let’s be rebellious and vote this time, ok?” Trump said. The NRA has repeatedly endorsed Trump, though it has lost much of its strength due to a lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. In February, the NRA’s former CEO was ordered to repay $5.4 million in illegal expenses that were paid to him.

Trump’s trip to Dallas comes as his New York City hush-money trial begins its final stages. Former adult film actress Stormy Daniels delivered a testimony about her alleged affair with the former president. Trump’s legal team attempted to amend his gag order so he could respond to Daniels’ testimony. Trump was found to have violated his gag order 10 times.

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