True Blood, HBO’s hit 2008-2014 series, is set for a brand-new reboot produced by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, creator of Riverdale. Though no casting announcements have been made for the upcoming show yet, NOS4A2 creator Jami O’Brien and original True Blood creator Alan Ball are also slated to work on writing and production for the show.
True Blood was based on a series of novels by Charlaine Harris where a synthetic blood allowed vampires to openly integrate with society. The seven-season series was HBO’s most-watched show since The Sopranos, and received several Emmys and People’s Choice Awards (to name a few) while being nominated for dozens of others.
Anna Paquin, star of the original series, recently responded to news of the reboot on Twitter, seeming to hint that she would not be involved in the show’s 2020 remake.
“Well, this is the first I’m hearing about this,” she tweeted in response to coverage of the announcement.
“Not mad,” she continued in another tweet, “just answering the question that has inundated my feed. xo”
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HBO has declined to comment on the recent announcement so far.
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