Tom Cruise found himself in the middle of some real-life drama on Sunday night when an alleged prowler, who has been identified as Jason Sullivan, 41, was reportedly found on Cruise's property after hopping a fence.

Sullivan was allegedly spotted scaling the fence around 9:35 p.m. by Cruise's security team, who approached the man and tasered him to subdue him, reports E! News. He was detained until police arrived and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment related to the tasering.

It looks like there is a chance that Sullivan's motives were pure, however. "Sullivan lives at an adjacent property and was intoxicated at the time of the incident and may have confused himself and entered the wrong property," police said in a statement.

Cruise was not home at the time of the incident. In better news for Cruise, his new badass cop film, Jack Reacher, also starring Rosamund Pike, Robert Duvall and Richard Jenkins, arrives in theaters on December 21.

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