Actress Patricia Heaton, 54, has gotten herself into some hot water alongside radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, 61, over comments made about Georgetown University Law Student and political activist Sandra Fluke, who recently testified before Congress about the importance of health insurance coverage of contraception.

Limbaugh famously called Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on his radio show, later facing political criticism and loss of advertising support due to the incendiary and misogynistic comments. Heaton, star of ABC's The Middle and former Everybody Loves Raymond actress, must have taken note of Limbaugh's public ostracism, because she promptly apologized for a similar series of personal attacks she leveled against Fluke on Twitter.

Heaton, a self-identified Catholic and Honorary Chair for the pro-life organization, Feminists for Life, let the law student know just what she thought of her: "G-Gal: you've given yer folks great gift for Mother's/Father's Day! Got up in front of whole world & said I'm having tons of sex- pay 4 it!" she wrote.

The quintessential wholesome TV mom didn't stop there, adding, "Hey G-Town: stop buying toothpaste, soap, and shampoo! You'll save money, and no one will want to sleep with you!" Apparently, after Heaton had recovered from the force of her own staggering wit, she started to think better of her remarks. On Saturday she briefly took down her Twitter account before returning and writing, "Tweatons: Finally heard all the commentary. I crossed the line w/ @SandraFluke. Don't agree w/her views, but I was not showing Christ's love."

Just in case anyone (ahem … The Middle's advertisers?) remained unclear about the depth of her regret, Heaton followed up on Monday with, "I apologized to Ms Fluke last week. I may not agree with her views but I didn't treat her with respect and I'm sorry. I was wrong. Mea Culpa."

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  • Mijon Zulu
    Mijon Zulu on

    It is good to hear that she apologized, but I am seriously disappointed in Ms. Heaton. Good thing I don't watch The Middle.

  • MattGerish
    MattGerish on

    Ugh, it's frustrating. You can't reason with some people if they can't be bothered to consider facts. The discussion was about insurance companies and co-pays; there was never any suggestion that Patricia Heaton, Rush Limbaugh or taxpayers would be footing the bill.

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