Singer and actress Teyana Taylor and her husband Iman Shumpert welcomed their second daughter early Sunday morning. Just like her older sister Iman Tayla, baby Rue Rose Shumpert was born in the family’s bathroom.

The couple made the announcement via Shumpert’s Instagram and Twitter accounts, posting a video of the newborn. “At 3:28 am on Sept 6th 2020 Rue Rose decided that the baby shower thrown for her and mommy was too lit. She didn’t make the party but she managed to make the next day her birthdate!!!” they captioned. “Now…when we buy homes, we always find a bathroom with great energy… but not in a million years would you be able to tell me we’d deliver both of our daughters in a bathroom without the assistance of a hospital!”

Taylor later reposted her husband’s posts, adding, “We love you Rue, welcome baby girl @babyruerose.”

The night before the birth, the family held a baby shower in Atlanta to celebrate the impending birth. By the next day, Rue Rose was born.

Earlier this year, Taylor announced her pregnancy by revealing her baby bump in the closing scene of her “Wake Up Love” music video. After the news came out, she talked about considering a home delivery with the help of doula Erykah Badu.

“If I did it once without any type of warning I can do it this time fully prepared,” she said about home delivery. “Giving birth like that was scary, but it was such a powerful thing. It felt so powerful.”

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