Taylor Swift performed her only concert of the year at the only Formula One race on American soil this year.
Swift performed Saturday, while Usher and The Roots were slated to perform on Sunday night. Her set ran about an hour and a half. The concerts were a new effort on the part of the Formula One advertising team to get more young people interested in racing. It seems people traveled from far and wide for Swift, and some for the race as well.
One man present was Don Burger, a racing fan from San Antonio. He brought his 22-year-old daughter to the track, knowing she loves Swift, but also hoping she might get interested in the sport as well. “She stands it when I put it on TV at home,” Burger said. “I think she’s a little more interested than she was before. She flipped through the program. She told me the other day, ‘I’m actually looking forward to the racing, too.”
Formula One fan Cody Crochet came from Houston to see the race, and saw the concert as well. “It’s a good show, but I’m still about the cars,” Crochet said.
There was upside for Swift also, who is rumored to be close to releasing a new studio album. Swift’s next scheduled performance will be at the AT&T Super Bowl pre-show early next year.
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