Suraj Pancholi, boyfriend of the late Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, was arrested late Monday in Mumbai, India, on suspicions of abetting her suicide and abusing her.
Khan, who committed suicide by hanging on June 3, left a six-page suicide letter before she died. In the letter, published in excerpts by the Indian media, she accused Pancholi of abusing her, cheating on her, and forcing her to have an abortion.
Though Pancholi is never addressed by name in the letter, Khan’s mother – Bollywood actress Rabia Amin – insists that it refers to him. Police, too, have confirmed that the letter was addressing Pancholi.
In the letter, Khan, who was 25 at the time of her death, also wrote that while at the beginning their relationship was good, it eventually destroyed her professional drive and brought out the worst in her, leading her to suicide.
While Pancholi is in custody, the police will examine his laptop and letters sent to him by Khan. However, it will be difficult to convict him unless the police find solid evidence that his actions contributed to her suicide, and that he helped her plan and execute it.
Like Khan, Pancholi too is from a Bollywood family. Pancholi is the son of Indian film actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab.
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