Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, has emerged as a vocal advocate for conservative causes.

A new recording, made by a documentarian claiming to be a conservative, provides a window into her unapologetic worldview. In the recording, Mrs. Alito is outraged by the presence of rainbow LGBTQ Pride flags during Pride Month and expresses a desire to fly a “Sacred Heart of Jesus flag” in response. 

“I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.”

Her frustration extends beyond mere symbolism as she contemplated designing her own flag. Mrs. Alito said about her husband, “He’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I defer to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up, and I’m gonna send them a message every day, maybe every week; I’ll be changing the flags.’ They’ll be all kinds. I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word ‘vergogna.’ ‘Vergogna’ in Italian means ‘shame’ — vergogna. V-E-R-G-O-G-N-A. Vergogna.”

Mrs. Alito’s defiant stance is not limited to her distaste for LGBTQ pride displays. In the conversation, she made it clear that she sees no room for negotiation with the “radical left” and claims that the “Femnazis” believe her husband controls her, to which she defiantly responds, “So they’ll go to hell. He never controls me.”

Mrs. Alito’s combative attitude even extends to the media. She expressed a willingness to “get even” by suing outlets that have covered her family’s controversies. She boasts of a five-year defamation statute of limitations, suggesting a readiness to pursue legal action against those she perceives as adversaries.

The recording comes amid another controversy about flags involving the Alitos. After the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, an upside-down U.S. flag was seen outside their home. It was later reveled that a Christian nationalist flag was seen flying at the couple’s beach home in New Jersey.

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