Over the past 48 hours, New York City and the surrounding East Coast states, were bombarded with a heap of snow that resulted in road closings and flights canceled. CNN was able to get a star studded interview for their Snowstorm Jonas coverage when Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and his daughter, Mia, unexpectedly crashed their live coverage.

Although New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked people to stay off the streets, Tyler and his daughter decided to venture out and, after spotting a CNN reporter covering the weather, went over to have a chat, using the opportunity to give a shoutout to Tyler’s grandson, Milo.

“I’m not flying out anytime soon,” Tyler told the reporter, Poppy Harlow. “I’m from NYC and I’m down here to see my daughters, and my grandson Milo – how you doing Milo? – and [his father] Royston. Decided to go downtown but then decided not to. The weather’s terrible… I’m going to hunker down.” The Aerosmith frontman also took to Twitter to capture the moment with his “snow bunnies.” 


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