The latest Donald Trump scandal (or rather, one of about 100 or so current scandals) that has got everyone talking is the conversation between Trump and his longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, about a deal to buy the silence of a former Playboy model who claims she had an affair with Trump. Cohen secretly recorded their conversation, and if a recent Late Show segment is to be believed, he also videotaped it.


Stephen Colbert and company packaged the controversy in a tight minute-and-a-half of silly visual gags. The “hidden” microphone in the potted plant is too huge to be missed, a stripper pole is jutting out of Trump’s desk, and an oversized check is to be paid to the order of “Sex Lady.”

There are also some subtler gags strewn about the piece, like Trump’s desk being populated by a picture of Vladimir Putin and multiple copies of The Art of the Deal. Also, there is a stack of newspapers, which seems like a joke in and of itself, because Trump is not especially known for his reading habit.

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The whole video is filled with terrible-looking graphics, which could be the part of the joke or it could be part of the joke, or it could be a sign that Colbert needs to hire new editors. If it makes you laugh, then perhaps the former is true. Take a look for yourself below, and decide if this is a fun diversion or an opportunity to reflect on the state of the nation.

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Jeffrey Malone

Article by Jeffrey Malone

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