Shannen Doherty, best known for her roles in Beverly Hills, 90210 and Charmed, is opening up about her ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer and brain cancer, as she prepares to start a new round of chemotherapy.

In the latest episode of her podcast Let’s Be Clear, released on June 24, Doherty expressed a mix of exhaustion and uncertainty about her upcoming treatment. “It becomes very real in an incredibly different way,” she said, adding that the duration and effectiveness of the chemotherapy remain unknown.

Doherty, 53, was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. After a period of remission, the disease returned in 2017. In 2020, she revealed that the cancer had progressed to stage 4, and last November, she announced it had spread to her bones.

Despite the challenges, Doherty found a glimmer of hope in recent developments. “Because my molecular structure of my cancer cells changed recently, it means that there’s a lot more protocols for me to try,” she explained, describing this as the “first time in a couple months” she’s felt optimistic.

The actress candidly discussed the physical and emotional toll of cancer treatment. “Sometimes you’re like, ‘Oh, again, I don’t want to lose my hair. I don’t want to be sick. I want to be a normal person,'” she shared.

Doherty emphasized her openness to various treatment approaches, including holistic methods. However, she credited conventional medicine for her survival. “Medicine and science has kept me alive and helped me the longest,” she stated.

This health update comes amid personal challenges for Doherty. In April 2023, she filed for divorce from her husband of 11 years, Kurt Iswarienko. Doherty claims that he is refusing to support her during her battle.

Throughout her cancer journey, Doherty has been transparent with her fans, regularly providing updates on her condition. Her openness has drawn attention to the realities of living with stage 4 cancer and the importance of ongoing research and treatment options.

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