Tom Robinson, the rower whose boat capsized in the Pacific Ocean, was rescued by a cruise ship last week. Now home in Australia, Robinson said he’s thinking of trying again.

Robinson, 24, set out to become the youngest person to row across the Pacific Ocean. He left Peru almost a year and a half ago, stopping in the Cook Islands for four months during cyclone season.

“A big wave came out of nowhere and unfortunately I didn’t have the hatch closed to the cabin,” Robinson told the New Zealand Herald. “I held on to the boat for about 14 hours and then… I saw the cruise ship approaching and I knew that I was saved.”

He was rescued by P&O’s Pacific Explorer, which was on a nine-day round trip from Auckland, New Zealand, when it was alerted of Robinson’s state by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The cruise liner made a 200-kilometer detour.

Robinson was rowing naked to prevent chafing and admits to being embarrassed as many of the tourists on the ship photographed him.

“I’d just like to say a huge thank you to all the crew on P&O Pacific Explorer whose seamanship and professionalism ensured a safe rescue,” Robinson said.

The young rower also hinted at another trip.

“Perhaps one day I’ll build another boat and I’ll take it to Vanuatu [to] finish that last leg.”

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