Rihanna posted photos of herself preparing for the show of her new collection of Puma shoes that was held at Paris Fashion Week on March, 6.

She had previously created a sneaker collection, Fenty Puma by Rihanna, which had a show last September as well.

This time, the dominant theme was “Marie Antoinette” of modern times. All the shoes will come in pink and khaki colors. The entire collection will be available after March 9 at Puma boutiques.


Une publication partagée par badgalriri (@badgalriri) le

The singer also attended the Yves Saint Laurent fashion show in Paris. The photo she posted before the show was captioned with the title from one of her songs, “Fresh Off The Runway.”

phresh out da runway I ❤ @ysl

Une publication partagée par badgalriri (@badgalriri) le

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