According to an unverified report from a Telegram channel claiming to be a Kremlin insider, Russian President Vladimir Putin allegedly had a brief medical emergency and had to be treated in his bed just past midnight on Saturday.
The channel, which is named General SVR, has appeared recently and chimed in with unconfirmed stories about Kremlin happenings. Critics have been recently examining Putin’s appearance in Russian government videos for signs of potential disease symptoms and fatigue.
The channel wrote that doctors came to Putin’s quarters after he “complained of severe nausea,” and added that they assisted the Russian President for around three hours.
Along with these reports, the channel has supported theories that Putin suffers from a type of cancer. Though again, it has not provided any additional evidence besides the word of the anonymous operator of the account.
Russia has escalated efforts in its invasion of Ukraine invading new provinces. It has also threatened through the gas company Gazprom to cut off gas flows to Germany in half, which could easily have a negative effect on gas markets through the world.
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