Prince WilliamPrincess Kate, and Prince Harry did a 100 meter sprint during a relay for charity.


They royals ran as part of their Heads Together teams in the London Marathon. Prince Harry came out on top with William close behind. Kate held her own at the start, until William completely took her over in the second half of the race.

It’s unclear if the royals had planned to take part in the running festivities, but they surely couldn’t help themselves partake in a little friendly competition once they arrived. Heads Together promotes a healthy awareness of mental health and aims to delete the stigma surrounding it. The organization took over as the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon Charity of the Year.

“At the moment, on average it takes a sufferer ten years to admit to a problem,” said William speaking on behalf of Heads Together. “That means that what often starts as a fairly minor issue becomes something serious & medical after time… but talking can lead to help.”

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