In the wake of President Donald Trump’s defeat at the hands of President-Elect Joe Biden, his detractors are mocking the real estate mogul turned politician by arranging for the website domain to link to his personal Wikipedia page.

On November 9, the owner of the website redirected visitors to the website to Trump’s personal Wikipedia page. The domain has long been owned comedian Brian Connelly, who previously has linked the website to the pages of other famous figures like Kanye West, Barack Obama and Al Gore.

This comes after a recent online trend of mocking the president over his refusal to accept the validity of Biden’s wine with calls of voter fraud regularly coming from his Twitter page. Twitter’s own algorithm has made “Trump” the first result to appear should users type “loser” in the search bar.

A multitude of Twitter users continue to degrade Trump’s pursuit of lawsuits that experts say have little chance of success. NBC News’ Peter Alexander tweeted, “Trump is ‘very aware there is not a path to victory,’ but he believes the 72 million who voted for him ‘deserve a fight. So he’s battling as a form of ‘theater’ for them, a top White House aide tells me.”


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