Melania Trump has had enough of writers and celebrities mocking her in their work.

The 48-year-old first lady opened up about her portrayal in the media in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday.

“I would say the opportunists who are using my name or my family name to advance themselves, from comedians to journalists to performers, book writers,” Trump said when Hannity asked her what she considers the most difficult part of her role as first lady. She did not cite any specific examples of journalists, authors or celebrities she takes issue with in her interview aboard the USS George H.W. Bush.

“Does it hurt?” Hannity replied.

“It doesn’t hurt,” said Trump, who met several military families on Wednesday. “The problem is they’re writing the history and it’s not correct.”


Melania Trump has drawn mockery on several fronts since becoming first lady, from her tactless choice of wardrobe to her “Be Best” campaign against cyber-bullying and her red-tinted Christmas trees. She recently said in an interview that she wished people focused more on what she does and not what she wears, and also that she often feels like she is “the most bullied person in the world.”

Former First Lady Michelle Obama recently revealed in her own interview that Trump has not reached out to her since succeeding her in the role, despite Obama offering to give her help should she ever feel the need for advice.

Hannity also asked Trump on Wednesday about all the extramarital affairs her husband, 72-year-old President Donald Trumphas allegedly had with other women. Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal lawyer who paid many of these women hush money, was sentenced Wednesday in New York to three years in prison.

“They like to focus on the gossip,” Melania Trump — who said that she and her husband “had great chemistry from day one” — said of her critics. “And I would like [that] they focus on the substance and what we do, not just about nonsense.”


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