On Wednesday, rapper Meek Mill welcomed baby boy with fashion designer Milan Harris. On this same day, Mill turned 33. This is the couple’s first child together, although Mill has two other children, Murad and Rihmeek Williams. Mill tweeted, “Milano dropped me off a king on my birthday! #thebestgift❤️.”
Mill has been quiet on his relationship status with Harris, but referred to her as his girlfriend in a tweet, which was quickly deleted. In February, Mill tweeted when was feuding with ex–girlfriend, Nicki Minaj, over Twitter. This was also the first time that Mill had confirmed the pregnancy. He tweeted, “My girl is with me pregnant watching me tweet about my ex is very clownish.”
Harris, on the other hand, has posted many Instagrams documenting her pregnancy, since she announced it in December. Although there has been no post of the new baby on Harris’ Instagram yet, she did post for Mill’s birthday. The caption reads, “Happy Birthday Love @meekmill. I hope this year is filled with more blessings, lots of love, peace & prosperity. I’m beyond proud of the man you’ve become. You motivate and inspire me in so many ways❤️”
Harris had originally announced the pregnancy at the end of her annual fashion show. She posted an Instagram of the moment. “Im a creative, so I didn’t want to announce my pregnancy to the world or even to my family with just a photo of my baby bump. I wanted to create a moment that I could cherish and remember forever,” she wrote.
Harris’s annual fashion show was pushed back twice because she felt sick for the first three and a half months of her pregnancy.
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