Marilyn Manson will star in new crime thriller Let Me Make You a Martyr, as a Native American hit-man. The first trailer for the film was released on Wednesday.

Marilyn Manson As Native American Hit-man In ‘Let Me Make You a Martyr’

Manson will star alongside his former Sons of Anarchy co-star Mark Boone Junior in the film Let Me Make You a Martyr.

Boone plays Larry Glass, an abusive father, who hires Manson’s character Pope, a Native American hit man, to find and kill the grown-up adopted son rebelling against him.

The trailer highlights the struggles of living in the Midwest during the aftermath of tornadoes, and provides viewers with suspense, as a son fights to run away from a father that wants him dead.

Let Me Make You a Martyr has has been criticized for not casting a Native American actor in the hit-man role.

Sioux activist Megan Red Shirt-Shaw vocally opposed the casting choice, saying that if the film must include a Native American character, that character should be played by an actor of that descent.

“We choose Marilyn Manson to play a Native American character when we have so many amazing Native actors. Why?” Shaw tweeted.

Yet, Manson, revealed that he is himself of Native American descent.

“I am part Indian,” he told Rolling Stone, saying he didn’t know the race of his character when he signed on for the role, because it was not stated in the script.

Manson explained that his mother is Sioux, though that heritage was not a part of his upbringing.

“I really didn’t have to change too much about myself physically,” the rock star admitted. “I already had just shaved my hair to a Mohawk and it’s black already, so without being stereotypical, that seems like the character would have that if he was part Indian.”

The film also stars Niko Nicotera, Sam Quartin and Michael Potts.

Let Me Make You a Martyr  is set to hit theaters in 2016.

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Article by Shantel Whitaker

Born and raised in New York.
I love to write, read and watch TV. Says it all about me really.

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