Malala Yousafzai appeared on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show on Tuesday night, leaving the host speechless and the audience applauding after she answered a question about what she’d do if attacked by the Taliban again.

Malala, 16, has already faced the ruthlessness of terrorist groups. Last year, the Pakistani teen was shot in the head on her way to school in 2012, becoming a poster child for the anti-women’s education movement in the Middle Eastern country. After Stewart asked if she knew that she was currently an intended target of the Taliban, he probed Malala for how she’d reacted if they ever captured her.

After joking that she might initially think about hitting them with her shoe, Malala revealed she’d take a far less violent approach. “If you hit a Talib with a shoe then there will be no difference between you and the Talib,” she told Stewart. “You must not treat others with that much cruelty and that much harshly. You must fight others, but through peace and through dialogue and through education."

The Taliban, who initially targeted Malala because she’d been outspoken about education for women in Pakistan – something they believe is akin to criticizing Islam – recently reaffirmed its intent to kill her.

Malala is currently favored to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, which would make her the youngest person to ever receive the honor.

– Chelsea Regan

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