Louis C.K. sent out an email newsletter about his new web series Horace and Pete that featured a lengthy postscript in which he compared presidential candidate Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

Louis C.K. On Trump

“Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler,” C.K. began the email. “And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.”

C.K. went on to explain that he’s not anti-Trump because he’s pro-Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Rather, he believes that the Republicans should be able to put forth a candidate that would be capable of having productive debates with Democratic candidates. Trump, according to C.K., is not that person, but Ohio Governor John Kasich might be.

“I mean that guy seems okay. I don’t like any of them myself but if you’re that kind of voter please go for a guy like that,” pleaded C.K. “It feels like between him and either democrat we’d have a decent choice. It feels like a healthier choice. We shouldn’t have to vote for someone because they’re not a shocking c–t billionaire liar.”

C.K. goes on to empathize with those who see the entire political system as rigged and who are enticed by Trump’s anti-establishment, anti-political correctness rhetoric. There’s also the entertainment factor of Trump’s candidacy and the potential of a Trump presidency that intrigues people. But C.K. warns that such entertainment isn’t worth the destruction of the first amendment (Trump has vowed to expand libel laws so he can sue his detractors), and the overall “suicide” of American democracy.

“[Voting for Trump] is a version of national Suicide. Or it’s like a big hit off of a crack pipe. Somehow we can’t help it,” wrote C.K. “Or we know that if we vote for Trump our phones will be a reliable source of dopamine for the next four years. I mean I can’t wait to read about Trump every day. It’s a rush. But you have to know this is not healthy.”

“American democracy is broken enough that a guy like that could really f–k things up,” C.K. added. “That’s how Hitler got there. He was voted into power by a fatigued nation and when he got inside, he did all his Hitler things and no one could stop him.”

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