Tudors star Jonathan Rhys Meyers checked into the Capio Nightingale hospital in London, a rehabilitation center famous for treating celebrities like Amy Winehouse, to address his addiction to alcohol, according to the UK paper The Sun. After spending ten days at the center last month, he is believed to have left to fulfill work committments.

Rhys Meyers has been in and out of treatment facilities since 2005 during his struggle with alcohol addiction, following several episodes of public intoxication. In June 2009, he was held by police at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport for allegedly assaulting a bar staff member while intoxicated. The following year he verbally abused airport staff at New York's JFK, when they tried to prevent him from getting on a plane while intoxicated at 7 a.m.

This time Rhys Meyers' longterm girlfriend, heiress Reena Hammer, 24, is reportedly having none of it. "Check into rehab or I'm dumping you," she told him, reports the UK's Daily Mail. Rhys Meyers has spoken about his relationship to alcohol before. "When I do drink I'm like Bambi," he said. "I'm all over the place like a 16 year-old kid."

Rhys Meyers has two films currently in post-production — Belle du Seigneur and Albert Nobbs, which is slated for release later this year.

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