Joe Manganiello, known for his roles in True Blood and Magic Mike, will play the Batman villain Deathstroke in the upcoming DC Comics film.


Ben Affleck will star in a standalone Batman movie, which has not yet been given a release date. He will also write and direct alongside Geoff Johns. Just yesterday Johns confirmed that Batman will face villain Deathstroke, who will be played by Manganiello. Affleck had sent fans in a tizzy after posting a vague tweet with a video of the masked rival. Less surprising, Manganiello retweeted it on the same day.

Following the official release of the information, Manganiello took to Twitter once more.

Deathstroke, aka Slade Wilson, first appeared in The New Teen Titans comic #2 in 1980, and in 2009 was ranked as IGN’s 32nd greatest comic book villain of all time. He has encountered Batman multiple times in the comics, and is widely considered one of the greatest assassin to come from DC Comics.

Johns has not confirmed nor denied if Deathstroke will have a cameo in Justice League, which is currently filming in London.

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