Jessica Lange has no plans to return to American Horror Story — the actress admitted in an interview with Charlie Rose on Wednesday.

Jessica Lange Is Not Coming Back To ‘American Horror Story’

Lange ended her run with the American Horror Story franchise in 2015, after the fourth season. She played the role of Elsa Mars, owner of one of the last freak shows and former German fetish film star whose legs had been amputated with a chainsaw

Lange won two Emmy’s for her acting in the FX series but revealed that her time on the show has officially come to an end.

“Do you hope to do American Horror Story?” Rose asked Lange.

“No, I had four years with that, four seasons, and each year was a marvelous character,” the actress said. “Everything changed from one year to another which made it very interesting to me. But no, I think sometimes you come to the end of something and it has had its natural—”

“But, I mean, people loved you in that,” Rose jumped in.

“I know, I know, it’s funny,” Lange said with a humble laugh.

Rose went on to ask Lange about American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy and how she came to work with him.

“Out of the blue I got a call from him [Murphy] and I immediately had some deep trust in what he was talking about,” Lange recalled.

Lange will work with Murphy again for his new FX anthology series Feud, which takes its name from the legendary rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford on the set of 1962’s What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Lange is set to star as Joan Crawford.

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