Two of the most private celebrities around, Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes have allegedly been dating for years, though no solid evidence can prove it. Now wags are suggesting that they’ve broken up.


Page Six reports that the couple has split due to Foxx’s reluctance to commit. Despite various gossip magazines keeping tabs on the two, they have only been spotted a few times together since Holmes’ split from Tom Cruise, including one very grainy picture of the two showing some PDA in a recording studio.

A friend of Foxx’s told a radio station that “he is very happy with her. I like that he seems very happy.” Following this admission, the same friend told ET that, “I have no knowledge of Jamie with Katie at all. I’ve never seen them together. He’s never told me he’s dating her.”

But according to recent reports, they are not dating anymore, if ever they were. “Jamie is tired of being pressured by Katie into going public,” a source told “He’s asked for a few months out and made no promise he’ll be available after that.”

Us Magazine, however, reports that multiple sources have confirmed that the couple is still together and happy.

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