Luke Evans recently revealed the depth of his body image insecurities, which he has developed throughout his career in the entertainment industry.

“I still sometimes go to the gym and just feel very anxious,” he told the podcast How to Fail with Elizabeth Day. “I look at myself in the mirror and just go, ‘You don’t look good enough,’ or ‘You’re letting it go.’”

Evan has acted in various films that have required him to maintain an especially brawny physique, including roles in the live-action Beauty and the Beast, Robin Hood and the Fast & Furious franchise.

He explained, “The terrible part of my industry is that you’re just reminded constantly of the decades of film you’ve done when you had not a crease on the face and not one gray stubble – whereas all my stubble is now gray.”

“I’ve had to learn to be kinder to myself, but I have terrible anxiety about feeling good enough physically… As hard as I may look, I am quite delicate.”

He admitted, “I’m sure if I didn’t have to go and take my top off on a movie set every now and again, I’d probably let it all go…I wouldn’t care so much, but it is part of my job. I get cast in certain roles that require a certain amount of physical strength and aesthetics. It’s been good because it’s probably kept me on the straight and narrow.”

He concluded, “I’m not massively confident about lots of things about me, but I’ve learned to deal with it, not ignore it and understand why and process it – but it doesn’t go away.”

Evans has notably stayed one of the few gay actors chosen to play straight roles in Hollywood.

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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