Hillary Clinton was delayed returning to her podium following a commercial break during the Democratic presidential primary debate on Saturday night.

Hillary Clinton Bathroom Break

When the debate resumed, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, were at their respective podiums while Clinton’s remained vacant. Instead of waiting for Clinton to take her place, moderator David Muir pressed ahead, directing a question at one of the candidates present. Upon making her way back, Clinton made a simple apology: “Sorry.”

There were multiple theories about what could have held Clinton up – a backstage visit from her granddaughter Charlotte, some political handshaking, a visit to the bathroom. As it turned out, it was, indeed, a visit to the bathroom that kept Clinton from returning to the stage on time.

Details have since emerged, revealing that the women’s room was farther away from the stage than the men’s room. Furthermore, when Clinton got to the restroom, Lis Smith, O’Malley’s deputy campaign manager, was already inside, according to the Boston Globe. Though the facility did have multiple stalls, Clinton opted to wait for everyone to vacate the premises before entering herself.

During the last Democratic presidential primary debate, Clinton had made a bathroom joke after Anderson Cooper called her out for taking longer than her male competitors to return to the stage. “Well thank you, it does take me a little longer,” the Democratic frontrunner quipped. “That’s all I can say.”

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