Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) has announced that the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, a renowned landmark in the state, will no longer be illuminated in rainbow colors to celebrate Pride Month but instead be lit red, white and blue.

The decision, dubbed “Freedom Summer,” is part of the governor’s initiative to celebrate the state’s identity as the “freest” in the nation. 

In a statement on X, Florida Transportation Secretary James Perdue expressed the administration’s enthusiasm for the change: “As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida’s bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day!” He added, “Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” 

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge’s typical rainbow lighting, intended to honor LGBTQ+ communities during Pride Month, will be replaced by the patriotic display, along with a variety of other scheduled lightings, such as Mental Health Awareness (May 28-31), Juneteenth (June 19) and Ovarian Cancer Awareness (September 7). Sickle Cell Awareness Day (June 18 ) and World Fragile X Day for autism (July 22) were also said to be close to getting approval.

The state decision impacts all state-owned bridges in Florida, stopping some cities with progressive leadership and communities from a years-long tradition.

“The bridge lights were about celebrating diversity and inclusion, which will continue to happen in our communities,” said Carlos Guillermo Smith, Equality Florida’s senior policy adviser, in a statement. “LGBTQ Floridians will proudly raise our flags even higher, and our lights will only shine brighter in the darkness they’ve created.”

Despite the controversy, the DeSantis administration remains steadfast in its commitment to the “Freedom Summer” initiative. The governor has also introduced the Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday, which will eliminate sales tax on state parks, museums and outdoor recreation equipment during July.

DeSantis has continued to try to make a name for himself as a right-wing gadfly – he recently signed a law that removes reference to climate change in state laws and banned synthetic meat

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