Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) blamed Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Barbra Streisand for her decision to switch districts and accused them of attempting to influence the outcome of the congressional race with donations to her Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch.

Boebert made these claims in an interview on Steve Bannon‘s War Room podcast and emphasized that her move from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District to the 4th Congressional District was driven by her commitment to defend and advance conservative principles.

In the interview, Boebert asserted the need for a strong conservative voice in her new district and expressed her determination to counter the alleged influence of Hollywood elites. She claimed that nearly $10 million had been funneled into her current district in an effort to “purchase” the seat, and added that the Colorado 3rd District was not for sale.

Boebert’s announcement of her district switch last week means she will not face a rematch with Frisch, whom she narrowly defeated in the 2022 midterms by a margin of approximately 546 votes.

Since then, Frisch has outpaced Boebert in fundraising and amassed $7.7 million compared to her $2.2 million. Boebert has consistently voiced her determination to safeguard the integrity of the election, and vowed not to allow “dark money” to “steal this seat.” She reiterated these sentiments in a recent interview and once again attributed her opponents’ funding to Hollywood.

Boebert specifically called out Streisand and Reynolds and highlighted their contributions to Frisch’s campaign. According to Federal Election Commission filings, Streisand donated $1,000 in April, while Reynolds donated $500 in March.

Boebert’s decision to run for Rep. Ken Buck‘s (R-Colorado) seat comes after his announcement last year that he would not seek reelection. This district switch creates an opportunity for the Republican nominee in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District to have a stronger chance of defeating Frisch, given Boebert’s controversial tenure.

As the election season progresses, Boebert’s allegations against Hollywood and her district switch add another layer of complexity to the political landscape, highlighting the ongoing influence of celebrity donations and the race to secure key congressional seats.

Boebert has been plagued by scandals, including lying about vaping in a Denver theater this fall.

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  • Deborah C Young
    Deborah C Young on

    I would vote for my cat MOLLY, before I’d vote for an idiot like Lauren Boebort! The United States can do better than following these NO ACTION Poor judgement fake Republican candidates in the house! They do absolutely nothing, they certainly don’t earn the pay and health ins that come with the job. They are an embarrassment to our country! No I have not already said this. This is my first comment.

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