Amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israeli actress Gal Gadot showed support for her native country.

The conflict reached a flash point on Saturday when Hamas launched a series of surprise attacks from the Gaza Strip with fighters crossing over the border.

Israel then retaliated against Hamas-controlled Gaza. This has led to massive casualties on both sides, with 700 Israelis killed and 1,000 wounded, while 493 Palestinians were killed and 2,751 wounded. 

Taking to Instagram, Gadot expressed support for Israel. 

Posting a screenshot of a BBC story about the conflict, Gadot wrote, “At least 250 Israeli[s] have been murdered and dozens of women children and elders held as hostages in Gaza, by Palestinian military group Hamas. Starting early morning more than 3,000 rockets were fired. Hamas is holding hostages, controlling bases and settlements in Israel. There have been more than 1,500 injured and heavy fighting is still ongoing.”

Gadot also posted a star of David with the words, “I stand with Isreal” in the photo. “I stand with Israel you should too. The world cannot sit on the fence when these horrific acts of terror are happening,” she captioned the photo.

Other entertainers who showed support for Israel included Joshua Malina and Sarah Silverman.

Actor Josh Gad posted several updates on his Threads account. Saying he was “praying for many family members in Isreal.” He later posted a follow-up in response to people criticizing his post, saying that the conflict has “no winners.”

Several Palestinian celebrities also shared their thoughts on the conflict. Comedian Mohammed Amer, who’s known for his Netflix series Mo, shared a statement from Jewish Voice for Peace, a left-wing activist organization critical of Israel.

“The Root of Violence is Oppression. Inevitably, oppressed people everywhere will seek — and gain — their freedom. We all deserve liberation, safety, and equality. The only way to get there is by uprooting the sources of the violence, beginning with our own government’s complicity,” the statement read.

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