Errol Musk, the South-African billionaire who raised the current World’s Richest Man Elon Musk, said hilariously that he wasn’t proud of his son because “we are a family that have been doing a lot of things for a long time.”

Errol was speaking on the Australian radio show The Kyle and Jackie O Show, and bristled when asked if he was proud of Elon because “it’s not as though we suddenly started doing something.”

He did later admit that Elon’s accomplishments have “really surpassed the mark.”

Elon’s father seems to be the type of parent that dresses any compliment up in some insults because the second he praised him he also said of Elon: “Where he is now, he would have liked to be there five years ago.”

An example he offered was that SpaceX’s recent Starship launch would have ideally happened years prior according to Elon’s ambitions.

While Elon may have made plenty of business strides that impress his father, Errol revealed that he considers the Tesla founder’s younger brother Kimbal Musk to be his true “pride and joy.”

Kimbal is a restauranteur based in Colorado, and Errol claimed that he was a billionaire as well though that remains unverified.

He also compared Kimbal’s marriage to Cristina Wyly to Elon’s comparatively more unstable love life.

Erroll also added the rather sexist note that Elon “has to find a woman to give up what she’s doing.”

Erroll and Elon are currently estranged from each other, and Elon has said in the past that he regretted choosing to live with Erroll full-time after his parents got divorced in 1980 when Musk would have been 9.

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