In an Instagram video posted Wednesday, Dwayne Johnson revealed that he tested positive for coronavirus, as did his wife and two daughters.

“I can tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family, and for me, personally, as well. And I’ve gone through some doozies in the past,” the actor said. “Testing positive for COVID-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times.”

Johnson continued on to say assure viewers that he and his family are no longer contagious and have started to feel better.

“We’re on the other end of it, we’re on the other side. We’re no longer contagious, and we are – thank God – we are healthy,” he said.

The actor explained that the family had been disciplined in taking safety measures throughout the pandemic, but ended up catching the virus from “very close family friends.” He urged his followers to stay safe and get tested regularly.

“The other thing is wear your mask. We have been in quarantine for months, we wear our masks every day,” he said. “This baffles me that some people out there, including some politicians, will take this idea of wearing masks and make it part of a political agenda, politicizing it. It has nothing to do with politics. Wear your mask. It is a fact, and it is the right thing to do and it’s the responsible thing to do. Not only for yourself and your family, but also for your fellow human beings.”

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Article by Yati Sanghvi

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