‘Downton Abbey’ Recap: Marigold Disappears At The Fat Stock Show

Downton Abbey‘s second episode of its sixth and final season opened with Rose contemplating whether or not to leave New York for London.
Downton Abbey Recap
Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) immediately assumes that Rose (Lily James) must want to come back to England because she’s pregnant. Rose actually isn’t with child, and Edith (Laura Carmichael) teases Mary for jumping to such a conclusion, telling her, “As usual, you add two and two and get 53.”
As for Carson (Jim Carter) and Hughes (Phyllis Logan), they’re in search of a wedding venue – any place except for the servant’s hall will do. While Carson would gladly accepted Robert’s (Hugh Bonneville) offer to deck out the hall, Hughes doesn’t want to be reminded of her job on her wedding day. Despite her protestations, Carson ends up insisting that the wedding be held at Downton. In other relationship news downstairs, Bates walks in to see a crying Anna (Joanne Froggatt), who is still devastated that she can’t have kids. Lady Mary swoops intervenes to try to help out her lady’s maid and offers to pay for her visit to a doctor.
During the episode, Mary also takes her son George and her niece Marigold to Yew Tree Farms to see the pigs ahead of the fat stock show, where they encounter the Drewes. When it comes time for the actual fat stock show, Marigold goes missing. As it turns out, it was Mrs. Drewes who had taken off with Marigold. After the frightful ordeal, the Crawleys find Marigold at the Drewe family home. Realizing that his wife is not going to get over having Marigold getting taken from her, Mr. Drewe tells Lord Grantham that they’ll be moving out as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Daisy (Sophie McShera) is trying to find Mr. Mason a new gig. First she asks Baxter (Raquel Cassidy) to ask Cora (Elizabeth McGovern). When he returns with a negative reply, Daisy goes to the Countess herself. Once again, she’s met with disappointment. However, there could be some light ahead for Mr. Mason. Perhaps in the Drewes home?
There are also still ongoing disagreements about the hospital. Clarkson (David Robb) had the facility painted to make it look modern. He also put in a new x-ray machine. Despite Clarkson’s efforts, however, Lord Merton (Douglas Reith) is still intent on the small village hospital getting bought out by a large contemporary hospital.
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