Donald Trump announced Mike Pence as his running mate this week and a new campaign logo for the presidential hopefuls was revealed on Friday — a logo that faced social media mockery in the form of hilarious memes and Twitter comments.

Donald Trump & Mike Pence Campaign Logo Twitter Memes

The Republican National Committee’s joint fundraising organization with Trump’s campaign reportedly sent out an email with the logo — which shows a capital T connecting around a capital P against the red and white bars of the American flag.

The T and P image appeared to be extremely suggestive to Twitter users, who took to the site to express their feelings.

On Saturday, a different logo, which simply shows Trump and Pence’s name over the slogan “Make America Great Again” appeared on Trump’s campaign website, as well as in a fundraising email.

It’s unclear whether or not the first logo released was the official logo or if the committee decided to change the logo following the backlash.

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