Kenneth Bae’s sister has slammed Dennis Rodman for his latest controversial comments, which implied that Bae had committed a crime worthy of his imprisonment in North Korea.

Dennis Rodman On Kenneth Bae

Rodman, who organized a basketball game between North Korean and former NBA players, become outraged when he was asked whether or not he’d appeal for Bae’s freedom while in the company of Kim Jong Un and other North Korean leaders.

“Do you understand what he did in this country?” Rodman asked CNN's Chris Cuomo, before yelling. “You tell me! You tell me! Why is he held captive? I would love to speak on this.”

Kenneth Bae's Sister Slams Rodman

When Bae’s sister Terri Chung heard Rodman’s inflammatory statements, she – and the rest of the family – was shocked and appalled, Chung told Anderson Cooper 360. "He was in a position to do some good and to help advocate for Kenneth," she said. "He refused to do so. But then instead he has chosen to hurl these outrageous accusations against Kenneth. He clearly doesn't know anything about Kenneth, about his case. And so we were appalled by that."

“This isn’t some game. This is about a person’s life,” Chung added.

U.S. Remains Behind Bae

On the heels of Rodman’s comments, White House press secretary Jay Carney was forced to field questions from reporters, who wanted to know if Washington’s views on working for Bae’s freedom had changed – they had not.

"Our views about Kenneth Bae have not changed," Carney said. "I did not see some of the comments that Mr. Rodman made, but I am not going to dignify that outburst with a response," Carney added. "I am simply going to say that we remain gravely concerned about Kenneth Bae's health and continue to urge the DPRK authorities to grant his amnesty and immediate release on humanitarian grounds."

Bae, a U.S. citizen, was sentenced last year to 15 years in a labor camp by North Korea. He had been charged with planning to overthrow the country’s government.

– Chelsea Regan

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