Donald Trump Jr. was called out for a video he posted last week encouraging supporters to buy $70 Bibles in an effort to “save America.”

The video, posted to Twitter on Dec. 30, featured the former president’s son talking over swelling, orchestral music.

“Guys, with American Judeo-Christian values under attack, there can be no better time than to re-up our commitment to America and to the Christian values that this country was founded on,” Trump Jr. said. “Go check out the We The People Bible, made in America, printed in America, assembled in America. You’re going to love it, and I think the people in your life probably need it too.”


The Bible is being sold on the We The People website, which is affiliated with the Trump Organization, and is advertised as being “ideal for the patriots who believe it is time to give America back to God.” The book also features “copies of America’s founding documents.”

This sales pitch has prompted social media users to call Trump Jr. a “con man” and a “grifter” for hawking the pro-America bible, which sells for $69.99.

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Illinois) responded to the video tweeting, “Oh the irony.”

“The fact that some Christians don’t see the problem here is more affirmation that it’s not the GOP that has failed Christians, it’s the church,” Kinzinger said. “Good Pastors and Priests rise up and call this out.”

Conservative writer and former White House official Bill Kristol also chimed in to criticize Trump Jr.

“Wait until Don Jr. discovers the Bible wasn’t written in America and doesn’t mention America – and that those who take it seriously especially loathe this kind of debased hucksterism,” Kristol wrote.

Others criticized the organization’s choice to include documents like the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance with the religious text.

“The Founders wrote the Constitution, not the Apostles,” read a tweet from the nonprofit Freedom From Religion Foundation which promotes the separation of church and state. “They added the Bill of Rights, not the Ten Commandments. They supported freedom of religion, not control by religion. We are a democracy, not a theocracy.”

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