Chris McKay, director of the critically acclaimed The Lego Batman Movie, is “in negotiations” with Warner Bros. Studios to direct a new film, according to The Hollywood Reporter. However, this project will continue the DC Extended Universe series of live-action films, and it will star Batman’s favorite son, Nightwing.
Furthermore, while Nightwing’s headlining role is in the planning stages, Bill Dubuque is currently tasked with writing the script. These revelations come alongside news of The Batman discovering its new director.
Comic book fans will recognize Nightwing as Dick Grayson, the original Robin. Bruce Wayne adopted Dick following his parents’ untimely demise, and he proved to be an invaluable asset in fighting crime. But, as time marched on, Grayson was ready to spread his wings, and he forged his own mantle. The two maintain a strong association, however, and crossovers between them aren’t uncommon.
While Nightwing nor a Robin physically appeared in the movie, the latter identity was alluded to in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Specifically, in this continuity, Batman was shown to be mourning the death of a Robin, although it’s likely intended to be Jason Todd, the comics’ second Robin.
Additionally, Batman v Superman formally introduced another iconic DC character to the big screen: Wonder Woman. Her origin story, Wonder Woman, will explode into theaters on June 2.
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