Charlotte McKinney opened up about how her looks were a disadvantage for her growing up. In fact, the star even considered breast reduction surgery. Known for her voluptuous figure, McKinney first became famous after Super Bowl commercial for Carl’s Jr. in 2015. Now she has moved on to other roles, including a part in Dwayne Johnson’s Baywatch.

“I’m always going to be sexy,” she said. “I’m always going to have those photo shoots, but I’m really looking for different roles that aren’t so commercial and are a bit cooler.”

The star admitted that growing up, her looks isolated her from other girls. She was bullied and even dropped out of high school due to the bullying.

“A lot of my friends were guys, and I was called a slut by a lot of people. I was growing these large breasts at such a young age, not really knowing what to do with them or how to wear them. So it was definitely awkward,” she said. “Girls would yell at me and call me a slut. I would go to parties and get beer thrown on my head – there was so much bullying.”

McKinney also admitted that she has considered breast reduction surgery, but that her diet helps her for the time being. She said she is “sure” she would get some kind of lift or breast reduction surgery at some point. However, the actress said she would not have any other kind of plastic surgery: “If that’s what makes you feel better, then got for it,” McKinney said about surgery. “But for me, I just don’t see the point.”

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Article by Aleks Simeonova

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